Powiatowy Zespół Obsługi Szkół i Placówek Oświatowych
ul. Smętka 7 11-500 Giżycko
Project results
Number of people participating in international training courses on implementation of the most effective learning strategies according to John Hattie
This result was achieved through organization of joint training courses comprising three parts. Part 1 comprised training courses which took place between 1.01.2016 and 04.03.2016, in five groups according to the programme elaborated by the expert holding the course. Part 2 comprised similar courses in Alytus, Lithuania, taking place between 19.09.2016 a 28.10.2016, held by 5 Lithuanian teachers. Upon completion of Part 2, the project participants implemented the strategies learnt in their work, and recorded one lesson on video. Moreover, working in international pairs, they developed open educational resources (OER). Lesson records and OER have been published on the project website. Part 3 of the activity took place between 13.03.2017 and 28.04.2017 in Giżycko – the participants presented their lesson records and OER to their colleagues, while their colleagues pointed to possible ways of improving the lessons. In total, under this activity, mobility number was 168 and a number of course days was 840.
100 teachers studied four learning strategies/techniques considered most effective
The teachers learnt how to use the four learning strategies/techniques considered the most effective by John Hattie, i.e.:
These strategies were implemented using interactive whiteboards and open educational resources. Acquisition by the teachers of the relevant skills is confirmed by videos recorded during the lessons and ORE developed by the teacher pairs, published on the project website.
Increasing the skills of 10 teachers from educational institutions of Giżycko District and Alytus City in the field of organization and holding courses for international teacher groups and using information and communication technologies in training courses.
Five teachers from the District Education Development Centre and five teachers from Alytus Educational Advisory and Counselling Centre increased their skills in the field of working with teachers, international groups and using information and communication technologies by participating, helping organize activities and providing assessment during the first and second training cycles and by holding the third cycle of courses. The result was confirmed by the results memos prepared by the employees of the two institutions, participating in the project, and by the evaluation questionnaire filled in by the participants during the third training cycle.
The results memos of the employees of the District Education Development Centre in Giżycko (in Polish) and of Alytus Educational and Counselling Centre (in Lithuanian) and evaluation questionnaire results have been published on the project website.
Result No 3
Increased ability to organize teacher development in a technology-rich environment by all schools and educational institutions participating in the project (8 people).
Directors of all schools and educational institutions participating in the project (8 people) increased their ability to organize teacher development in a technology-rich environment by organizing the project, motivating teachers to participate in it, managing the schools during the development process, participating in the project meetings and making decisions connected with the implementation of the different project stages. The acquisition of those abilities is confirmed by memos provided by directors of the partner schools and educational institutions. The descriptions of the contribution of the project to increased ability to organize teacher development in a technology-rich environment, prepared by the directors of schools of Giżycko District (in Polish) and by the directors of schools in Alytus (in Lithuanian) are available on the project website.
Revision of the development plans of six schools participating in the project, taking into account the most effective learning strategies and a technology-rich environment
Six schools: Bystry Junior High School, Alytus School for Youth and Adults, Electronic and IT Technical School Complex in Giżycko, Alytus Dzukija Primary School, Primary School No 4 in Giżycko, Alytus Vocational Training Centre, revised their school development programmes, taking into account the conclusions of teachers participating in the project, and in particular the recommendations developed during the final project conference, to include the most effective learning methods/strategies, technology-rich environments and direct cooperation of schools from Giżycko District and Alytus City.
The revised versions of the school development plans in Giżycko District and new provisions in Lithuanian school activity plans confirm the achievement of the result. The respective development plans for Polish schools (in Polish) and annual school activity plans for Lithuanian schools (in Lithuania) are available on the project website.
Revision of the Local Governments’ Education Development Strategies, taking into account “digital” teacher development, supporting the development of a technology-rich environment in schools and international cooperation
Two local governments, Giżycko District and Alytus City, revised their Education Development Strategies, taking into account the conclusions resulting from the project implementation, and in particular recommendations of the teachers participating in the project addressed to partner local governments, developed during the final project conference. In Alytus local government, the result was development of a new version of the Education Development Strategy, while in Giżycko District, the existing Strategy was analysed, and appropriate amendments were made by means of a Resolution of the District Management Council. The current versions of those documents are available on the project website.
At least 500 non-participating teachers were informed about the most effective learning strategies and the possibilities to use them in a technology-rich environment.
The list of teachers who did not participate in the courses but attended the final conference and the number of hits on the project website beginning from the date of publication of the video recordings and open educational resources until the date of project completion confirms the achievement of the result. The number of hits from different computers with different IP addresses (from the date of publication of intellectual work products to the date of project completion (31.08.2017)) was 1052 in Poland and 339 in Lithuania. The number of conference participants who did not participate in the courses was 184. The website hit counter and summarized list of participants of the final conference are available on the project website.
Digital integration (cooperation) of the partners in the field of teaching, training and work with youth at various levels, in various countries, by various supervising institutions.
This result is confirmed by the signing of an agreement on cooperation between the schools, as well as the number of digital contacts. The integration is also reflected in the fact that the partners (listed below) are applying for the funding of subsequent projects – this time under Interreg V-A Lithuania Poland Programme:
Scans of the agreement signed by the schools/institutions and of the declaration of cooperation between the local governments participating in the project, as well as information on the number of digital contacts between the project participants, are available on the project website.
Increasing the teaching skills of the project participants (110 people).
The project activities, training courses in an international group, developing teaching products and their promotion on the website and during the final conference resulted in increased teaching skills of the project participants. The results of the project evaluation, including information about the project’s contribution to improved skills of the teachers participating in the project confirm the achievement of this result. The results of the evaluation of the project impact on teaching skills of the teachers are available on the project website.