The summary of the project
Project context
Gizycko Poviat in Poland and Alytus City in Lithuania wish to solve one of the most important joint educational problems i.e. low achievements in basic skills. The way to improve the quality of education is to implement more effective teaching methods.
Project objectives
The main objective of this project is to solve the issue of low achievements among students from schools in the area of Gizycko Poviat and Alytus City.
Immediate objectives:
- Skills of using more effective teaching methods in the environment rich in technology acquisition among 100 teachers.
- Popularization of adapting these strategies in other schools.
- Content reinforcement of educational units concerned with teachers development.
The participants
The participants of the project will be a group of 100 teachers, 10 employees of the Centre for Education Development in Gizycko and Counselling and Education Centre in Alytus and 2 people representing self-governments.
Description of actions
- Creating a website used for illustrating the actions, describing the results and presenting the outcomes of intellectual work.
- A course in Gizycko conducted by a Polish expert in application of more effective teaching methods and a presentation of schools in Gizycko.
- A similar course in Alytus conducted by a Lithuanian expert joined with the presentation of schools' work in Alytus.
- Teachers' own work – conducting lessons and recording one of them, creating an open educational resource by the Polish-Lithuanian team and posting the results on the website.
- A course – an analysis of the outcomes created and formulating conclusions for future school work and recommendations for changes in educational strategies in partner self-governments.
- Modifications in selected products – with the aim of presenting them at a final conference.
- Popularization of the project results in a form of the final conference, in which other teachers from partner self-governments will participate.
Methodology used in the project realization
- Methodology of the courses conducted by experts. The environment rich in technology is a classroom in a partner school provided with an interactive board, computers and tablets in 1:1 ratio operating in an internal network with a broadband Internet and open educational recourses access. An expert teaches how to implement selected strategies using this strategy with the application of the equipment elements during the class. Teachers from a host institution present the school to their foreign colleagues. On the last day of the session teachers from a host school conduct open lessons for the expert and the group.
- Constructing recorded illustrations of the lessons. A technician engaged by a project coordinator records the lessons. Digital recordings will be posted on the website. The open educational resources are created by two-person international participants teams in an optional form. Digital evidences will be posted on the website of the project.
- Methodology of the analytic courses. The course is held within the same group. The trainer is an employee of an educational institution. The participants present recorded illustrations of the lessons and open educational resources made earlier. They formulate conclusions regarding modifications of schools and self-government units strategies by using group work techniques.
- Methodology of the final conference in Alytus – project discussion + presentations of recorded illustrations of 10 selected lessons and selected open educational resources.
Description of the expected outcomes
- Acquisition (improvement) of skills of using teaching strategies considered most effective by a group of 100 teachers from six partner schools.
- Improvement in course development skills within a group of 10 people from educational institutions conducting courses.
- Improvement of skills of organizing teachers development among headmasters. Modernized development plan for six schools.
- Modernized development plan for partner territorial self-government units.
- Sharing the most effective teaching strategies with 500 teachers.
- Digital integration of schools in the area of teaching, training and youth work.
- Improvement of didactic and pedagogical skills among the participants of the project (110 people).
Influence of the project and potential long-range benefits
Using more effective teaching methods based on an environment rich in technology by teachers. The example set by the teachers and institutions taking part in the project under competitive conditions will encourage other teachers and schools to learn from it. Educational self-government institutions will strengthen the ability of organizing courses. They will be able to organize similar courses without applying for EU support.
The results of the project will be popularized on the final conference.
All the aspects will cause the improvement of the education quality in schools from the area of Gizycko Poviat and Alytus City.